I left My Laptop In My Car
Maybe a little scatterbrained, or maybe just being my usual forgetful self, I forgot to bring my laptop into my apartment.
8:30 - 4:30
As the two schools I teach at gear up for midterms, I once again find myself with extra time on my hands. The term just started in April, so it feels too soon, but I guess if it ends in July it technically is about the middle of the term.
Complicated, But Simple
The world is a complicated place. People are complicated. Relationships are complicated. Life is complicated. Yet at the same time, it’s also so very simple.
Flowers & Rest Stops
While the process of getting my license may have sucked, I did find some bright spots. Turns out Japanese rest stops on the highway are head and shoulders above the ones back home. I also got to celebrate getting my license by finally going to Hitachi Seaside Park!
License To... Drive Safely?
I’ve been driving in Japan pretty much since I arrived here using an international driver’s license. However, with my birthday coming up soon, my Canadian driver’s license is set to expire.
The View From The Top
It’s a weird thing once you achieve a dream you’ve had for a long time. You’re proud of your accomplishment, you revel in your completion of whatever it is you set out to do, and then you start to wonder. Okay, now what?
A Fresh Start
The weather is slowly getting warmer, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the new school year has started in earnest. April 9th was the first day of the new school year, while it would still be a bit before I started teaching classes again, I was excited to get back into the swing of things.
10 Goals For The New (School) Year
I feel like I’ve been a little more dour in my most recent blog posts. I won’t fault myself too much for that, the end of the school year brought about more changes than I had really expected.
Too Much Musing, Not Enough Muses
While I’m sure I’ve said it before, I started blogging as a way to fill all the extra downtime I have at work. While blogging has certainly helped, it works best in conjunction with actual work, like teaching classes or preparing lessons.
Change Of Plans
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the JET Programme, it’s that staying flexible is the best thing you can do. About 10 days before the end of the school year here in Japan, my schedule for the new school year was sent out.
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
A classic Shakespeare quote, that like most of his work, now borders on cliched due its overuse. I think it’s a beautiful line, even if I never really took to the sentiment.
Driving In Reverse
When I first found out my placement location would be Ibaraki I started getting excited, having a tangible location I could dream about living in. On the other hand, I found out I would also have to buy a car, something I rather dreaded. Driving anywhere new brings about a certain amount of anxiety, learning on the opposite side of the road though? Terrifying.
Leaving A Small Pond
The school year here in Japan ends at the end of March, which means it was time for the 3rd year students to say goodbye to their time in high school. Being a teacher attending a graduation for the first time really made me pause and reflect on my own experience graduating.
The Social Norm
Like any culture, Japan has its share of social norms. Rules or practices that everyone is expected to know, or quickly learn, and follow. Theoretically, these guidelines are meant to form a common understanding of how one is supposed to behave.
From Japan, With Love
It’s been 4 months since I left Canada. This is easily the longest I’ve been away from home, the previous record being maybe just 14 days. Between the snow making me nostalgic for home, and settling into a bit of a routine here in Japan, I miss home.
Ibaraki, Japan's Least Attractive Prefecture
I was on the train riding from Tokyo station to my new home in Ibaraki when I first heard “Oh yeah, we were voted least attractive prefecture again this year” from the person riding with me. This certainly set off alarm bells in my head. What do you mean the place I just uprooted my whole life to go to was the worst in Japan?
Writer's Block
I knew this would be a problem eventually, it’s plagued writers everywhere since the dawn of time afterall. After three months of writing, posting once, then twice, finally three times a week, I’ve been hit with writer's block.
Minimal Motivation
I, like most people, am many things. However, one thing I’m not, or have ever been really, is terribly motivated.
New Year, New Places: The Inevitable End
After taking in the nightlife of Osaka, I wasn’t moving very quickly the next morning. I was struggling to decide how I wanted to spend my day, my body was telling me just to stay in bed all day. After going back and forth for what felt like ages, I decided to check out Den Den Town.