I Forgot My Wallet
What should have been a routine 7-11 run became quite the kerfuffle. I gathered my items, headed to the counter, and as I went to pay, I realized I forgot my wallet.
The Logistics Of Leaving
Last week, I had a two hour long zoom meeting talking about all the different things to consider for those leaving the JET programme.
The Comfort Zone
I’ve been thinking a lot about comfort lately. Or more specifically, what we think of as our comfort zone. Lately, I worry my comfort zone seems to be shrinking.
A Low Point
Any kind of journey has joyous highs, but also inevitable lows. This past weekend might have been the low point of my time here in Japan, but I’m not so sure that’s a bad thing.
For the first time in a long time, I woke up in the middle of the night, and for a few sleepy seconds, I had absolutely no idea where I was.
The Way Of Gift Giving
As the Christmas season draws close, in some small way I start to get excited for the holidays. In a much larger way, I start to dread having to buy presents for the people in my life.
Being Interesting
Ideally you’ve noticed, or perhaps you haven’t, but I haven’t really been keeping up with the proposed schedule I set for this blog.
True Crime To Comedy
Podcasts have been part of my daily life for almost 6 years now. I started listening to them as a way to help time go by at work, and now I usually listen at least an hour or two every single day.
Home For The Holidays
In just over a month, I’ll be back home for Christmas! After thinking it over, I decided I didn’t want to miss another Christmas with my family and friends.
Poster's Brain
One aspect of social media that I’ve never really been able to wrap my head, around is posting. Arguably, the reason social media exists, is just not something that seems to come naturally to me.
As of posting this, I will have been in Japan for exactly one year! This journey has been full of great experiences, and a few bad ones. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Halloween Abroad
Well, for the first time ever, I was celebrating Halloween outside Canada!
Till Death Do Us Part
It was finally time for the main event, the wedding. From my perspective, I think it was a fantastic day.
A Very Normal Week
After a whirlwind 48 hours after coming back to Canada, my week really slowed to a crawl.
A Bump In The Bachelorette Party
While my first day back in Canada was certainly lovely, the second was easily the most dramatic. Unfortunately, this was not the fun kind of drama, and it was more than a little scary.
A Few Inches To The Left
Returning home is weird. The everyday life that I had wanted to leave behind, with some distance, now feels like a magical thing.
Air Canada
As things shook out, after returning from Okinawa, I would only be home less than two weeks before I would be setting out on another trip. This time, rather than somewhere new, I would be heading somewhere intimately familiar, I would be heading home.
Leaving Okinawa
All good things have to come to an end, and after 6 incredible days, it was time to leave paradise. It’s sad anytime a trip comes to an end, but something about leaving Okinawa hit me differently.
Okinawa: The Final Day
It was my final day in Okinawa, and I wanted to send off this amazing vacation with a bang. Today, I would go scuba diving for the first time in the beautiful waters around Okinawa.